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The Past Tense


a.      The Simple Past Tense
S + V2 + O

1.      My father went to Makasar last week
2.      She drank too much beer yesterday
3.      My sister woke up late this morning
4.      The dog bit the boy last Saturday
5.      Flowers grew well in this garden last month
6.      She tole her dress last Sunday
7.      I broke a cup by accident last night
8.      She felt nervous yesterday
9.      She bought a new car last year
10.  She got a letter from her boy friend this afternoon

b.      The Past Continuous Tense
S + was/were + V-ing + O

1.      What were you doing when I telephoned you last night ?
2.      I was doing my homework while my brother was playing the piano
3.      He was driving to his office when the accident happened
4.      My mother was cooking in the kitchen when the fire broke out
5.      Salma was drawing a picture while her sister Hana was singing a nice song
6.      When the war began, we were living in a small village
7.      We were having our meals when suddenly the lamp went out
8.      When I entered the room, mother was sewing, father was reading a news paper and my little brother were playing with their toys
9.      What she was doing when I called her up ?
10.  He was not doing anything when you asked him to come

c.       The Past Perfect Tense
S + had + V3 + O

1.      Maya said that she had read that magazine
2.      I knew it was Jemy who had taken the money
3.      I telephoned Paul this morning but he had left already
4.      She told me that she had visited Korean several times
5.      Before she went to Seoul, she had studied Korean for two years
6.      The patient had died when the doctor arrived
7.      Karto went home after he had finished his work
8.      The sun had set before we were ready to leave the place
9.      Father said that he had seen the accident himself
10.  She thanked me for what I had for her

d.      The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
S + had been + V-ing + O

1.      She had been waiting for you for two hours in the cinema
2.      The clowns had been joking during the carnival
3.      Rani had been inviting all people in class to joined her in her party
4.      He had been punishing by his parents for a month
5.      He had been moving to the other city when you looked for him in his house
6.      My grandfather had been marrying my grandmother for seventy years when my grandmother died
7.      He was angry because Amanda had been coming late into his private course
8.      I had been introducing my friend to your friend when you asked me to introduce my friend to you
9.      I had been baking the cake when you mixed a new dought
10.  We had been managing the money by our own self when a new staff came and helped us


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